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1 post from November 2016

Amazon Rapids and the dumbing-down of reading

Rapids_logo_headerAt first I thought it was an SNL parody about ebooks for kids. We’re so addicted to info snacking, seemingly less able (and interested) in focusing on long form reading, so let’s create a new platform that helps foster even shorter attention spans for our kids.

Amazon Rapids is nothing more than a series of text messages disguised as a new way of encouraging kids to read. Go ahead. Download the app, read the sample content and tell me whether you think it’s worth $2.99 a month to expose kids to these “short stories.” I wouldn’t recommend Rapids to kids even if it was offered for free.

Anyone who knows me would agree that I’m an unabashed digital enthusiast. Nobody wants technology to help make reading more accessible and interesting than me. I’ve given countless presentations about how today’s ebooks are nothing more than “print under glass” and how we spend so much time reading “dumb content on smart devices.”

With Rapids, Amazon now enables kids to read even dumber content on their smart devices. I really wish it were nothing more than an SNL skit but I think Amazon is serious about this one.