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11 posts from September 2012

Signs of life at Barnes & Noble

I tend to be pretty open with my criticism when I feel an organization is doing something wrong. That’s why I feel compelled to also speak up and give credit when credit is due. In this case, I’d like to applaud some recent announcements by Barnes & Noble.

This recent article from Laura Hazard Owen highlights B&N’s news and the most important point can be summarized in one word: discoverability. B&N has always had the benefit of a brick-and-mortar presence and that presence brings with it years of knowledge about the art of discoverability, at least in the physical world. Now B&N needs to apply that knowledge to the online world.

Most importantly though, I’m thrilled that B&N is acting like a leader here and not simply following Amazon on the critical issue of discoverability.


HTML5, EPUB 3, and ebooks vs. web apps

One of the benefits of working on TOC is that I get to see some of the behind-the-scenes industry debates that take place via email. Since it’s “formats” month here in TOC-land I thought it would be fun to share a thread about HTML5 vs. EPUB 3 featuring O’Reilly’s Sanders Kleinfeld and the IDPF’s Bill McCoy. They’ve both agreed to share this thread with the TOC community since it helps clarify the state of both EPUB 3 and HTML5.


Three questions for…Lou Rosenfeld

1. You recently wrote an article talking about how Rosenfeld Media is “now more than a publishing company.” You talk about adding consulting and training services to your portfolio. How would you respond to skeptics who might say that’s fine for your business, but a typical trade publisher doesn’t have the content or expertise that lends itself to this diversification?

Publishers without content or expertise? I hope they manage to enjoy the view of the approaching iceberg while fumbling for their life jackets.


Reinventing the Book: How eReaders, Multimedia Content, and Social Reading Are Changing the Way We Read

Screen Shot 2012-09-23 at 6.28.10 PMReinventing the Book. That's the name of the "blog-to-book" project Hyperink created from my Publishing 2020 blog. If you haven't heard of Hyperink you need to check them out. Yes, blog-to-book isn't a new concept but Hyperink is taking it to a new level. Browse the Hyperink site and you'll see they've curated the content of many popular blogs and offer the greatest hits in a convenient to-go format.

You can get a portable version of my blog's most popular posts for only 99 cents. Here are your options:

Hyperink's site for Nook, iPad, PDF and Kindle formats

B&N for the Nook format only

Amazon for the Kindle format only

Take a look and tell me what you think. The Hyperink model is fascinating as I often find myself wanting to dig deeper into new blogs I discover but I don't want to take the time to Instapaper all the more interesting posts. Time is money and if someone like Hyperink is willing to deliver the posts I want I'm more than willing to pay a few dollars for the results, especially since I'll get it in any format I want.