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Previewing TOC 2011

Our next Tools of Change (TOC) conference is rapidly approaching (February 14-16).  TOC is my favorite conference and this year I'm thrilled to serve as emcee for the Ignite session Tuesday afternoon.  If you haven't registered yet be sure to do so soon as we're on track for yet another sellout. 

I thought I'd use this post to highlight just a few of the sessions I'm looking forward to attending:

Monday, 2/14

Standards in Flux -- This is a panel discussion covering all the major formats including EPUB.  I'm anxious to see more rich content options built into the key standards so that we can go beyond the current state of ebooks.

Building a Successful Direct Channel -- This session is led by my O'Reilly colleague Allen Noren.  Allen and his team have developed a terrific direct sales channel for us on oreilly.com and I always learn something new every time I talk with him.

HTML5: A Workshop for Publishers -- This is a tough call as I'd also like to see Cali Bush's (another O'Reilly colleague) eBook Distribution Contracts session.  HTML5 is red hot though and something everyone in publishing needs to pay close attention to.

Tuesday, 2/15

The Elements -- If you haven't seen The Elements iPad app you need to download it right now.  This keynote from Wolfram's Theodore Gray tells how they took an unsexy topic like the periodic table of elements and turned it into one of the hottest apps of 2010.

Value-Added Apps -- What a terrific opportunity to hear the inside stories behind some very successful content rich apps!

MoBible -- More insider lessons, this time from a publisher (B&H Publishing Group) who has done a lot of econtent experimentation.

Wednesday, 2/16

What Do eReading Customers Really, Really Want? -- I'm always interested in hearing answers to this question and how they map to my own assumptions as both a consumer and a publisher.

Building the Future from Within -- Dominique Raccah always has something interesting to share and I'm sure this session will be no exception.

Game Plans for Publishers to Build Direct Relationships with Customers -- The title says it all.  You're seriously missing out if you're not already building a direct channel.

P.S. -- If you missed the TOC webcast (My eContent Wish List) I did last month you can watch it here or directly on my blog below.


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