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iPhone eBooks via Stanza

ScreenHunter_03 Jan. 25 15.37I don't know how I missed this one earlier.  I'm talking about my colleague Andrew Savikas and a TOC blog post he made last November about downloading books into the Stanza iPhone reader.

Stanza and their ebook offerings aren't exactly big news.  It's a fine app and all, but what's really cool is how Andrew and his team have shown how the service can be extended.  The blog post gives step-by-step instructions on how anyone can load an O'Reilly EPUB ebook into Stanza.  So if you've taken advantage of an O'Reilly ebook bundle you can quickly and easily load that into Stanza on your iPhone for no additional charge.

That's exactly how the system should work!  You're free to buy from Stanza but you can also buy direct from the publisher and put that content into Stanza.  Simple, yet brilliant!

If you're a publisher reading this post, is your organization taking advantage of this solution as well?  If not, you should be.


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