This Guy Is Making Fun of Our WROX Covers...Sort Of...
The Echoing Green, by Joshua Prager

Welcoming Ellen to the Blogosphere

Globe2Wiley marketing guru and colleague Ellen G. recently started a new blog called Confessions of an IT Girl.  You'll want to grab the RSS feed and see what she has to say.  Ellen just returned from the BlogHer and added to the "Do you need an agent?" discussion with a very insightful post.

Ellen's expertise may be in the tech space, but rest assured she's got loads of experience and insight for all the other publishing categories as well.  Ellen, welcome to the party -- keep up the great work!


Ellen Gerstein

Thanks for outing me, buddy. Seriously, you are a hard act to follow, and I'm not even going try. I'm just going to try and make my mark and see it where it takes us.

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