Google Blog Search Passes Technorati?
I'm truly surprised. Not that it happened, but that it took this long. According to this Hitwise report, Google Blog Search recently surpassed Technorati in market share of visits.
I use Google's Blog Search almost exclusively, and not because it's conveniently linked to from other Google sites. I just find it to be as fast, clean and full of relevant results as Google itself. Technorati, on the other hand, tends to take a loooooooong time to generate results. Then there's Icerocket; I sometimes try it out if I don't find what I'm looking for on Google Blog Search, which is rare.
Google may have a hard time chipping away at Microsoft's market share with their free web-based spreadsheet and word processor, but search is what their brand name is all about, so it's hard to go wrong with their Blog Search tool.